Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Not ready for this to be over.

I had a dream two nights ago that I delivered our baby and I was at home snuggling my precious new baby. And then, for whatever reason, I woke up in a panic because I was no longer pregnant!

A lot of mama's, including myself, cannot wait to "get our bodies back." We look forward to not having a foot in our rib cage or being able to sleep on our stomachs again...or be able to sleep without having to pee 27 times per night. Not to mention the acid reflux and heart burn and sciatica. I mean, yes, I could keep going on, but I will refrain.

We also look forward to meeting our baby for the first time. I mean, is there anything more beautiful than seeing your baby's face for the first time? Hearing his or her first cry? Having your brand new baby on your chest, skin to skin? I mean? Really? For me, it doesn't get much better than THAT moment.

But...then, my baby isn't with me any more. He or she isn't in my body. I don't get to see and feel the movements and bond with the baby like no body else on this earth gets to. And, I think, we spend so much time focusing on the bad parts of pregnancy, or the end (which, I mean, is beyond the most beautiful testimony on earth), that we forget to soak in the what's going on in our bodies.

I am 37 weeks + 3 days today. And, at a very minimum, my goal for the next few days, is to just enjoy what my body is doing and soak in every movement that I feel or see. Because, for me, this is it. This is my last time. And, I am thankful for that dream I had last night as it was a good reminder to BE IN THE MOMENT.

I hope that if you are pregnant and reading this, that this speaks to you. I know how hard pregnancy can be and I know much we all can't wait for it to be over with! But, this is something pretty amazing going on inside of your body. Something that only your body can do for that specific human(s). Embrace as much as you can, because, before you know it, it will be just a delicate memory!

{please do not copy or steal the images. All images in this blog post are copyright protected and belong to KaetheJo Binder Photography. For more information on KaetheJo's photography you can click here to visit my website or here to visit my Facebook page!}

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